Hospice Levels Of Care
Hospice Serving Davis & Wapello Counties offers custom patient care plans to meet the needs of each of our patients and their families.
Hospice Care
Hospice Accepts Referrals From:
Family Members
Anyone who knows someone with a life-limiting illness
Are free to anyone interested in receiving or learning more about Hospice Services.
Items we may request from you or your physician, regarding the patient during the referral process:​
Providers Name/Location
Medication List
Medical History
- Social Security Number
- Insurance Provider (if applicable)
These items allow our care team to better understand your past, current and future needs.
Contact Tonya Simonsen, our Admissions & Referrals RN to learn more at: 641.682.0684
Diagnoses in Hospice
All Cancers
Kidney Diseases-Renal Failure
Respiratory Diseases- COPD. Emphysema
Cardiac Disease - Heart Attack, Congestive Heart Failure
Liver Disease- Cirrhosis, Liver Failure
End Stage Dementia
Motoneuron Diseases- ALS, Huntington's Chorea, Parkinson's
Benefits of Hospice
Providing support and care for patients and families in the last phases of a life-limiting illness.
Recognizes dying as part of the normal process of living.
Affirms life and neither hastens nor postpones death.
Focuses on quality of life for individuals and their caregivers.
Serves all patients, regardless of complexity of care needed or ability to pay.
Hospice, Serving Davis and Wapello Counties emphasizes comfort and dignity as life nears its end. Hospice care neither hastens nor postpones death, but rather reaffirms life. Hospice Care focuses on the quality of life for terminally ill individuals and their families. We put the wishes of the patient and their family first by honoring, respecting, and listening to everyone we serve. The emphasis in on comfort and caring so that the patient and the family may live their remaining time together to the fullest, according to their own wishes. ​
Patients and families have a choice in hospice care, but not every hospice is the same. Talk to friends and family who may have been involved with hospice care and ask about their experience. Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. For the most benefit, you should consider hospice care as soon as possible after the decision has been made to seek peace and comfort rather than curative care. By working with your physician we can determine if you qualify for Hospice and, then, develop an individualized care plan.
Have more questions?
We want you to have all the information before beginning your end of life journey too!
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